Listen Live with Alexa

If you own an Amazon smart speaker, like the Echo or Echo Dot, you can listen to 96.1 SOX!

First you need to enable our Skill. Here are easy ways you can do that:

  1. Say, “Alexa, enable the ninety six point one s. o. x. Skill”
  2. Visit the Skills section of your Alexa Smartphone App and search for 96.1 SOX

After you have enabled the Skill, listen to our station just by saying “Alexa, open ninety six point one s. o. x.”

Now you can use the same invocation with Google Home and get our station through our partners!

Question of the Day

Sep 19

Q: About 15% of dog owners admit they do this every day for their pet… A: Give them table scraps

Sep 18

Q: About 70% of adults say they almost never do this they way they’re supposed to… A: Stop at a stop sign

Sept 17

Q: It’s recommended you replace this kitchen item every year… A: Vegetable/potato peeler