Question of the Day

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CLICK HERE to see past Questions and Answers in the Question of the Day archives.

Recent Questions & Answers:

  • July 25

    Q: Almost 2x as many teens do this at least once a year compared to adults…

    A: Volunteer

  • July 24

    Q: It’s something we should all know about ourselves, but only 51% of us do…

    A: Our blood type

  • July 23

    Q: There are approximately 17,000 of these in Pennsylvania…

    A: Vehicle inspection stations

  • July 22

    Q: Adults under the age of 35 are 2x as likely to do this every day compared to those over 65…

    A: Check their horoscope

  • July 19

    Q: 5% of people who love ranch dressing admit they have dipped this in ranch…

    A: A pop-tart

Question of the Day

July 25

Q: Almost 2x as many teens do this at least once a year compared to adults… A: Volunteer

July 24

Q: It’s something we should all know about ourselves, but only 51% of us do… A: Our blood type

July 23

Q: There are approximately 17,000 of these in Pennsylvania… A: Vehicle inspection stations