Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sep 9

Q: 15% of people say they will judge you if this doesn’t meet their standards… A: Your cell phoneMORE

June 23

A: Nearly 60-percent of people say this happens to them nearly every day… Q: They get a scam message or callMORE

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March 30

Q: A gambling obsession is responsible for this food invention… A: SandwichMORE

June 4

Q: A new survey says other than home, the place we’re most likely to cry is in the car…what was the 5th most popular place to cry… A: the grocery storeMORE

March 13

Q: 40% of adults say this is a trend that should just go away… A: Gender-reveal partiesMORE

March 11

Q: If you have one chances are you haven’t washed it in the past 6-months… A: Bath robeMORE

Sept. 26

Q: This American shop caused Xmas-like chaos when it opened for the 1st time in Dublin, Ireland… A: Krispy KremeMORE

May 22

Q: This happens to us about 1,400 times a year… A: DreamMORE

May 9

Q: This rock star says his autobiography was rejected because it didn’t have enough sex, drugs and rock & roll… A: Billy JoelMORE

Question of the Day

March 6

Q: 20% of Americans believe this will happen in their lifetime… A: The end of the world

March 5

Q: In 2013 1-million Norwegians watched a 12-hour show dedicated to this activity… A: Knitting

March 4

Q: Sales of this kitchen item have gone up by 40% over the past 10-years… A: Cast Iron pans