Q: 15% of people say they will judge you if this doesn’t meet their standards… A: Your cell phone… MORE
Q: 15% of people say they will judge you if this doesn’t meet their standards… A: Your cell phone… MORE
A: Nearly 60-percent of people say this happens to them nearly every day… Q: They get a scam message or call… MORE
Event Name* Event Date(s)* Event Time(s)* Event Location/Address* Event Details Event Website Your Name* First Last Your name will not be published unless included in event details section above. Your Email* Your email will not be published unless included in event details section above. Events appearing on the Community Calendar are intended to benefit our…… MORE
Q: A gambling obsession is responsible for this food invention… A: Sandwich… MORE
Q: A new survey says other than home, the place we’re most likely to cry is in the car…what was the 5th most popular place to cry… A: the grocery store… MORE
Q: 40% of adults say this is a trend that should just go away… A: Gender-reveal parties… MORE